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How to Download the Epic Sports App Step by Step

How to Download the Epic Sports App Step by Step


Download the App Store app on your iPhone or iPad. If you already have the App Store on your phone, skip this step. The App Store app can be found in the applications section of your phone’s home screen, with other downloaded apps like Notes and Maps. To download the app, press down on the icon until it starts shaking and a + symbol appears in the top left corner of the screen. Press that plus symbol to start downloading Epic Sports from Apple’s website onto your phone.

Step 1

Go to your device's app store. Your phone may have an official Epic Sports app or you can choose from a variety of third-party options. Find one that works for you and download it onto your device. How do I find apps on my smartphone?

Step 2

Turn your idea into a professional post. Start with a headline that grabs attention and has some meaning, such as 5 Ways to Lose Weight Safely or 5 Steps for Launching Your New Business. Next, make sure you have at least four paragraphs of content, using these sections: intro (the first paragraph), body (all other paragraphs) and conclusion (very last paragraph). Use an easy-to-read font such as Helvetica for all your text. Also include links to additional information where it makes sense, adding in brackets [] just before each link.

Step 3

Tap on Sports tab in app. Tap on Golf icon, followed by PGA Tour. Then, tap on any event of your choice. Tap again to play your game! Please note that you can also swipe across screen and select from other sports like basketball, soccer, hockey and others for free.

Step 4

Log on to iTunes and select Search. Type in Epic sports without quotes in the search box and then press Enter. You will be taken to a list of apps that contain that phrase: some with Epic sports on their title, some with it hidden within their text, as well as one called Epic Sports!. This third one is ours, so tap it. The app will open within your screen. Go back to your home screen and tap Settings > [your name] > iCloud (bottom of list). If you haven't already done so, sign into iCloud with your Apple ID and password.

Step 5

Download it! : 1. From your phone, tap on Play Store. 2. Type in Epic Sports into Search field or tap on Search icon at top-right corner of screen. 3. Once you locate Epic Sports app, tap on Install button next to app's name or icon. If you don't have Google Play downloaded already, then follow these instructions: 4. Tap Get if you don't see an Install button next to Epic Sports name and icon 5. A popup will appear asking you what device you would like to install it on; make sure your device is selected (or choose multiple devices) and tap Next 6.

Referral Code & Invite Friends

If you haven’t downloaded our app yet, click here to sign up! We’re also giving away a free month of membership every time someone signs up with your referral code. After you download our app, get your friends in on it, too. For every friend who joins through your invite link, we'll give you $20 worth of free races and training plans. Not only will you get more value out of our service as a member, but so will they. Think about it - if they have questions while using their membership they can ask you directly and get personalized support from an expert runner (that's you!) without having to call or email customer service. Finally, everyone wins!


Downloading is an important step for using any mobile app. To download something, you need to use a computer or your phone. For people who are not tech savvy, it can be difficult to know how to download something from a mobile device. Luckily, there is an easy process and will only take a few minutes of your time! Here’s how to download apps onto your phone