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The 10 most goat sports in the world

The 10 most goat sports in the world

The 10 most goat sports in the world

What are the most epic sports in the world? That’s a question many people want to know the answer to, and in this article we’ll share our top 10. If you love sports as much as we do, then you’ll love reading about these awesome games that are truly worthy of being called epic!

Roller Derby

It’s an extremely physical sport—in fact, it involves much more contact than other common sports like basketball or football. In roller derby, two teams of five people each skate counterclockwise around a flat oval track. Each team also has a jammer who scores points by passing members of the opposing team. The key to roller derby is teamwork and strategy, but there’s no denying that it’s also just plain fun to watch!

Ultimate Frisbee

What is Ultimate Frisbee? Ultimate Frisbee, also known as simply Ultimate or Ultimate Disc (not to be confused with Frisbee), is a team sport played by two seven-person squads that combines elements of soccer, football and basketball. Since it can be played without requiring a great deal of equipment, Ultimate has become an increasingly popular pastime for groups of friends who are looking for a fun but casual way to get some exercise.

Bocce Ball

The International Bocce Federation was formed in 1965, uniting all of bocce’s different governing bodies under one organization. The sport has several disciplines: Singles, Doubles, Triples and Team of Five; competitions are hosted by member countries around the globe. For a game to be considered official by IBF rules, it must have at least three players on each team; every player throws two balls per turn.

Roller Hockey

A game that originated in Montreal, Canada and is played on roller skates. Roller hockey is often referred to as a full contact sport and is played using a small ball and a hockey stick that has a curve blade. The three basic types of roller hockey are indoor, outdoor and floorball. And while many consider it to be similar to ice hockey, there are several differences between the two sports including size of equipment used (rink), positions played (and who can play them) as well as playing rules.

Field Hockey

Originating from Indian and Persian origins, field hockey is considered to be an epic sport with a rich history. Field hockey is played on a grass or artificial turf field, either indoors or outdoors depending on climate. The size of a field hockey field varies based on location, but it can range from 100–120 yards by 70–80 yards. Two teams play against each other using sticks and flat round balls; one team will attack while another defends.

Beach Volleyball

It’s not only one of America’s favorite sports, but it’s one of America’s fastest-growing. A blend of extreme athleticism and raw entertainment, beach volleyball is a wild ride that shouldn’t be missed. Want to watch some match-up? Take a look at these bikini clad athletes putting on an epic sports show.

Rugby League

Football is by far Australia’s most popular sport, but rugby league is a close second. It may not be America’s favorite sport, but there are still some Americans playing pro rugby today.

Competitive Sailing

Epic Sports—Sailing is a great way to get your heart pumping and blood flowing, especially if you’re sitting behind a desk all day. Many people don’t think of sailing as an epic sport, but watching these Olympic-level sailors absolutely shred through windy conditions makes it hard to argue otherwise. Sailboats can do some pretty impressive tricks on choppy seas, so watch for yourself and check out just how awesome competitive sailing really is.


Oh, yes—the sport we have all been dreaming about. Dodgeball rules are simple: A match consists of two halves of five minutes each. During each half, one team is designated as offense and another as defense; which side you’re on changes after every five points. Points are scored only by eliminating members of the opposite team or catching a ball that has been thrown by a member of that team.

Alpine Ski Racing

The Winter Olympics will kick off next month and, as a result, alpine ski racing will make its return to television screens around the globe. Although often overshadowed by more popular events such as figure skating and downhill skiing, alpine skiing remains one of my favorite winter sports: It’s easy to follow, beautiful to watch and contains elements of both strategy and athleticism. The athletes must balance on two small planks as they glide down a mountain at speeds approaching 90 miles per hour. That’s exciting!