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Why Sports Events Are Important for humans

Why Sports Events Are Important for humans

Why Sports Events Are Important

Whether you’re into cycling, soccer, or baseball, chances are you’ve heard of Lance Armstrong and Nelson Mandela. The world knows these men as incredible athletes who dedicate their lives to their respective sports, but they’re also seen as heroes in other areas: philanthropy and activism, to name just two. Here are 10 other sports stars who are also incredible humanitarians in action today

Sports help children learn

Studies show that kids who play sports in school are more likely to graduate, get involved in other activities like clubs or volunteering, and feel more connected to their communities. That makes sense: sport builds skills like discipline, teamwork, and time management. It also keeps you healthy—which is important when you're getting exercise (and staying awake!) for several hours each day. As your child gets older and heads off to high school or college, they'll probably miss out on organized sports teams; however, they can still get these benefits if they choose any activity that involves movement like yoga or dance classes—even though those aren't sports.

Sports teach teamwork

You can't play sports or watch them without picking up some important lessons about teamwork. Your value as an individual on a team is directly proportionate to your contribution and the contribution to your teammates. And that means that everyone has an equal say in how things go, whether you're playing tennis or football or volleyball. You may not think that applies in your office, but it does. Whether you work for someone else or you're managing others at work, developing good people skills and working on a collaboration with co-workers is essential for success in any position.

Olympians are role models, too

While olympians may be fitness role models, they aren’t necessarily sleep role models. More than half of American adults say they don’t get enough shut-eye each night, according to a report from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That might seem difficult to reconcile with athletes who consistently make it through grueling athletic competitions on less sleep than most people need. The key is that in order to fully recover after training or competing, olympians stick with consistent routines.

The power of sports to build bridges

A healthy, active lifestyle can contribute to better sleep. Exercise is one of your best weapons against insomnia. And, on top of that, if you're struggling with sleeplessness because you're anxious about an upcoming event or deadline at work, getting out and exercising can help release those stress hormones that keep you awake.

Healthy minds and bodies promote peace

If you want to sleep soundly, take good care of your body and mind. Just as you may have trouble getting a full night’s rest if you have a stressful job or an active social life, not eating well can make it difficult for your body to relax at night. An unhealthy diet filled with refined sugars and carbs can also wreak havoc on your sleep cycle by making it harder for you to wake up in the morning. In addition, being overweight puts pressure on your internal organs and makes it more difficult for blood flow, oxygen and other key nutrients get where they need to go. If any of these issues sounds familiar, there are several ways that you can improve your overall health—and promote better sleep habits at night.

The power of sport events to unite people

The events are often filled with diverse spectators representing different cultures and ethnicities. This demonstration of unity for just one night allows attendees to forget about their everyday troubles, if only for a few hours. The importance of sport in peoples' lives is reflected by numerous tv broadcasts as well as other media coverage. In terms of social development, such events have played an important role throughout history in building bridges between people from various backgrounds. Sport events can help children understand that there are things much more important than whether you wear Lacoste or Ralph Lauren clothes. Understanding cultural differences through sport may give young people valuable experience when dealing with future encounters with strangers and colleagues who come from different parts of society.

Tackling stereotypes with sports activities

In addition to busting stereotypes, team sports activities teach kids important social skills. A recent study from the University of Michigan shows that children who play sports perform better academically than those who don’t. They also perform better in their careers as adults, so invest in kids’ sports by helping them find opportunities—whether it’s for soccer or t-ball—in their community.

Sport opens doors

When you’re passionate about something and it turns into something more than just an interest, you realize how many doors can open up for you. You may find opportunities in your sport that lead to multiple things that weren’t even on your radar before. Even if you don’t end up playing professionally, there are so many opportunities that exist because of sports.

Sport stars are generous with their time and efforts

Many of them volunteer for charities that are close to their hearts, either through time and effort or money. The sport world has been witness to many philanthropic gestures by stars such as Usain Bolt, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams and Rafael Nadal.

Sport stars inspire the next generation to become leaders

Sports stars are not only great players but also good leaders. They provide young children with examples of how to act responsibly, remain humble and share positive messages about living a healthy lifestyle. These individuals lead by example, inspiring youngsters that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. A good leader will not just build up his or her team but also help others outside of his team achieve success, as well.