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Showing posts from July, 2024

How Many Events Are In The Special Olympics

  How Many Events Are In The Special Olympics As an athlete, you hear the word charity thrown around all the time. It’s important to give back to your community and to help others in need, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard work! In fact, some of the biggest sports stars in the world have made an effort to use their fame and success to support causes they care about, whether it’s raising money for cancer research or helping children who are physically challenged participate in recreational sports and games. Check out these ten awesome sports stars who are also incredible humanitarians! Tennis If you're having trouble falling asleep, try doing some physical activity before bed. A study found that exercising in the late afternoon and evening helps people sleep better because it lowers body temperature and reduces muscle tension, which promotes restful sleep. Yoga and walking are two low-impact exercises you can do even if you have insomnia—it doesn't matter if you e...

Sports events happen in 2020 without an audience

Sports events happen in 2020 without an audience The world of sports is often perceived as being synonymous with healthy competition and fierce rivalry, but in recent years, many sports stars have begun to use their star power to do something much more important than winning championships - they're using it to make the world a better place by helping their fellow man. This list details some of the most famous sports stars who are also incredible humanitarians; they deserve our gratitude and admiration, and perhaps even our emulation in some cases! Michael Jordan A lot of what has been written about me is bulls--t. Just because I play basketball doesn't mean I'm not human. It doesn't mean I don't go through the same things other people go through, that I don't worry about who I am and if I measure up or not. People are always looking for answers to how you do it, why you do it, how you could play at your best when it seems like everything is against you...

10 Sports Moments That Leave You Speechless

  10 Sports Moments That Leave You Speechless Sports stars have a reputation for being athletes first and humanitarians second, but every once in a while they do something that reminds you there, well, people too. The following are 10 sports moments that left us speechless with amazement at these athletes’ compassion and character. If we only had more athletes like these ... oh wait, maybe we do! More power to these 10 sports stars who are also incredible humanitarians! 1) Arnold Palmer How many times have you woken up in the middle of the night, struggling to fall back asleep? Maybe it’s something you suffer from often, or maybe it’s something that happens now and then. Either way, it can be an extremely frustrating experience! But what if I told you that there was one simple trick that could help you get back to sleep faster every time? It’s true – all you need to do is read Good night to yourself aloud before drifting off. 2) Michael Jordan When I was working out an...

What are the best sports eventsx for professionals?

What are the best sports events for professionals? They say that all that glitters is not gold, but in this case, it might be: an entire list of incredible sports stars who also happen to be incredible humanitarians. Whether they’re raising awareness through their charitable foundations or just quietly giving back to the less fortunate, these are the sports stars who give you hope that not everyone in the world values fame and fortune above all else. Here are 10 Awesome Sports Stars Who Are Also Incredible Humanitarians. Roger Federer First, wake up at least one hour before you have to be somewhere, whether it’s work or a meeting. Get up and walk around; keep your mind active. When you lie in bed with nothing else to do, it’s so easy for your brain to wander and think about what you haven’t finished or what hasn’t been done yet. This can lead to stress and anxiety—not exactly ingredients for a good night’s sleep. Novak Djokovic Djokovic eats half a cup of oatmeal before b...